New member: David Kiwic
We are pleased to welcome David as a new member of our team. During his PhD, David will work on nanoparticle-based aerogels.
David studied material science in his bachelors as well as his masters at ETH Zurich, with focus on climate and energy related topics as well as computational science and programming. For his bachelor's thesis, he worked on thermal energy storage materials in the group of Prof. Steinfeld. During his master's studies, David focused on template stripping techniques for thin film technologies in Prof. Spolenak's laboratory and on environmentally friendly aqueous processing of cathode materials in the group of Dr. Battaglia at Empa Dübendorf. David recently completed his master's degree in our group with his work on lithium alloy anode materials for all-solid-state batteries.
Since January, David has been supporting our team in it's strive to develop more efficient and versatile photocatalysts for gas phase reactions. Welcome!