New paper by Fabio
Our former student Fabio published his work on bright light-emitting inorganic platinum polymers in collaboration with colleagues from UAB Campus and Imperial College in ACS Omega.
Fabian Matter
Read it now: external page ACS Omega
Perevedentsev A., Bargardi F. L., Sánchez-Ferrer A., Cheetham N. J., Sousaraei A., Busato S., Gierschner J., Milián-Medina B., Mezzenga R., Wannemacher R., Cabanillas-Gonzalez J., Campoy-Quiles M., Caseri W. R., Assembly-Induced Bright-Light Emission from Solution-Processed Platinum(II) Inorganic Polymers. ACS Omega 2019, 4 (6), 10192-10204.