New member: Xavier Guichard
We would like to welcome Xavier as our new PhD student. Xavier will work on metal oxide nanoparticles for optical applications.
PhD defense Andy
Andy successfully defended his PhD on "Poly(phenylene methylene) - Synthesis, Characterization, Processing" - Congratulations!
New member: Madeleine Fellner
We are happy to welcome Madeleine Fellner as our new PhD student. Madeleine will work on metal oxide nanoparticles for optical applications.
New guest: Sajad Pour-Esmaeil
We would like to welcome Sajad as our guest, who will work on polymer-enzyme conjugates.
New paper by Long
Long publishes his work about surface energy-driven hierarchical assembly of low-dimensional nanomaterials on graphene aerogels in Journal of Materials Chemistry A.
New paper by Mattia
Our former member Mattia published his work on a TiO2-cellulose hybrid for solar driven water purification in ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces.