PhD defense Ofer
Ofer successfully defended his PhD on In-situ High-Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of Light Rare-Earth Compounds - congratulations!
Felix' article highlighted
Felix' review article and front cover on aerogels is highlighted in the series 'Under the Covers' by RSC
New paper by Felix
Felix' review article on aerogels is featured on the inside front cover of Nanoscale Horiz.
New paper by Paola
Paola publishes her work on Nanofibrillated Cellulose Templated Membranes in ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces
Prof. Niederberger promoted
Professor Markus Niederberger, currently Associate Professor at ETH Zurich, has been appointed by the ETH Board upon application of ETH President Lino Guzzella as Full Professor of Multifunctional Materials
Poster prize to Guobo
Guobo wins a Poster Prize at ISACS21: Challenges in Nanoscience, Beijing, China
New paper by Derya
Dery publishes her work on Magnetoelectric Thin Film Heterostructures for Voltage Control of Magnetism in ACS Nano
Goldene Eule for Walti
Prof. Caseri receives Goldene Eule in appreciation of his excellence in teaching.
New paper by Felix
Felix' ATO article is featured on the front cover of in J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol.
Group event: Foxtrail
Murielle organized the Foxtrail group event: great success!
New paper by Walti
Walti publishes his Review article on Polystannates in Chem. Soc. Rev.
Professorship for Dorota
Dorota accepted a professorship in experimental physics with a focus on hybrid nanomaterials at University of Hamburg.
New paper by Sandra
Sandra publishes together with Felix her work on correlating photocurrent with oxygen evolution from photoanodes obtained by commercially available WOx nanopowders in ChemPlusChem.
New PhD student: Murielle
Murielle Schreck started her PhD in our group on Aerogel materials!
New PhD student: Tian
Tian Liu started her PhD in our group on battery materials!
New group picture
We have a new group picture!
New paper by Wei
Wei publishes together with Felix his work on WOx aerogels in Nanoscale.
New paper by Guobo
In collaboration with the Morbidelli group Guobo published his work on poly-(styrene-acrylonitrile) copolymer-derived electrode materials in J. Mater. Chem. A
Sandras work highlighted
Sandras paper on WOx photoanodes is highlighted by ChemistryViews
New paper by Rupali
Rupali publishes together with other group members her work on Cu3N particle based aerogels.
Dorotas perspective highlighted
Dorota`s perspective was highlighted in the editorial by Jillian Buriak, Editor in Chief of Chemistry of Materials
PhD defense Malwina
Malwina successfully defended her PhD on Puzzling Mechanisms of Nanoparticle Formation – In Situ Studies of Non-aqueous Sol-gel Syntheses - congratulations!
Hot paper
Darinkas paper in Chemistry of Materials is a top download for the past month.
New paper by Darinka
Darinka publishes together with other group members and in collaboration with the University of Freiburg her work on aligning the surface potentials for efficient charge transport in nanocrystalline TiO2 photocatalysts.
PhD defense Guobo
Guobo successfully defended his PhD on Rational Electrode Materials Synthesis & Design Towards Better Li-/Na- Ion Batterias - congratulations!
New paper by Alessandro
Alessandro publishes together with other group members and in collaboration with the University of Milano his work on Size-Dependent Luminescence in HfO2 Nanocrystals.
SOLA race 2016
The "Need a burger" team performed well at the SOLA Race 2016!
Rupalis work highlighted
Rupalis paper on Cu3N Aerogels is highlighted by ChemistryViews
Graduate Student Award for Guobo
Guobo wins a 2016 Young Scientist Award by the European Materials Research Society
New perspective from Dorota
Dorota`s perspective is part of the Up-and-Coming series in Chemistry of Materials
Christophs and Ofer`s work highlighted
Christophs and Ofer`s work is a highlight in Polymer and Colloids and Interfaces Section of a Division of the Swiss Chemical Society.
PhD defense Derya
Derya successfully defended her PhD on Synthesis and Properties of Functional Nanoparticle Thin Films - congratulations!
Hot paper
Derya's article has been selected as a Hot Article for 2015 in J. Mater. Chem. C
New paper by Derya
Derya publishes her work on CoFe2O4 Thin Films with Magneto-Optical Applications
New paper by Wei
Wei publishes his work on Ultraviolet photodetectors based on Ultrathin Tungsten Oxide Nanowires
Niks paper featured as a highlight of SNBL
Niks paper on in situ synchrotron studies of formation of copper heterostructures is featured as a highlight on the webpage of the Swiss Norwegian beamline at ESRF
PhD defense Wei
Wei successfully defended his PhD on Metal Oxide Nanostructures with High Aspect Ratio - congratulations!
PhD defense Sandra
Sandra successfully defended her PhD on WO3 photoanodes for photoelectrochemical water splitting - congratulations!
New paper by Wei
Wei and Felix publish their work on the macroscopic 3D assembly of 2D Y2O3 building blocks in ACS Nano